Atlanta Medical Malpractice Attorneys

People go to the doctor, emergency room, or urgent care when they are injured or sick. They see a medical professional with the expectation they’ll be treated properly and be healed or cured. While most of the time, these expectations are met, sometimes people end up worse than better because of medical errors or general negligence by their health care provider.

Unfortunately, medical malpractice is more common than you’d think. Approximately 250,000 people in the United States die from medical malpractice each year. After heart disease and cancer, medical malpractice ranks as the third leading cause of death in our country. Many of these mistakes are preventable.

What is medical malpractice?

If a person sustains further injury or sickness due to their health care provider’s actions or decisions during the course of their medical duties, medical malpractice may have occurred. To qualify as medical malpractice, the claim must meet the following criteria:

  • Demonstration of an existing relationship between medical provider and patient.
  • Under the law, there is a standard of care recognized by the medical profession as being acceptable. If the patient’s care wasn’t consistent with these standards, a violation may have occurred and an attorney may establish negligence.
  • Injury must be present. A violation isn’t enough on its own to prove negligence, it must be shown the patient was injured due to a provider’s actions.

Medical malpractice can occur at any point in time between diagnosis and aftercare, or even throughout the course of routine health management.

Types of malpractice

There are many different kinds of malpractice. Here are some of the most common types of negligence relating to medical care.

  • Misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis
  • Surgical, including failure to provide a proper consultation, making mistakes during surgery, or performing wrongful surgery
  • Dental mistakes
  • Misread x-rays or other test results
  • Medical product liability
  • Mistakes in prescribing or administering medication
  • Failure to treat a patient
  • Errors made during prenatal care or childbirth

If you are a patient who was injured or suffers because of the medical treatment (or lack of) you received, you may be entitled to damages or compensation for your suffering or loss.

How can I receive compensation for medical malpractice?

Damages you may receive include monetary award for medical expenses, punitive damage, pain and suffering, lost wages, emotional distress, and loss of earning potential. In some cases, additional compensation is awarded in court if any partial or complete impairment, disfigurement, or death has occurred due to negligence.

Medical malpractice often results in serious consequences for a patient. If you believe you or a loved one is a victim of medical malpractice, contact an Atlanta medical malpractice attorney right away. Your attorney will protect your rights and help make your life easier as you deal with the consequences of a health care professional’s negligence.

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