At a time when your life has been turned upside down by a car accident, it may seem easiest to accept whatever settlement the other driver's insurance company offers you. This can be a serious mistake. You could end up with far less money than you will need to pay your bills and meet the challenges ahead. And once you accept a settlement, you won't be able to go back to the insurance company and ask for more money.
At the Stone Law Group in Atlanta and Blakely, we offer a free initial consultation to explain your rights and answer your questions after a car accident. If the insurance company has offered you a settlement, we will review it at no cost. If we think the settlement is fair, we'll advise you to accept it without charging you anything. If we think you deserve more, we'll offer our help in getting it. Call 404-239-0305 to talk to a lawyer.
If you suffered vehicle damage and only minor injuries, chances are you will not need an attorney's help to resolve your claim. However, you should not assume that you are all right or that the pain you are feeling will go away in a few days. You should see a doctor to make sure you are all right. You may not feel the pain of an injury until several days or even more than a week after the accident. You should never take chances with your health.
If you have suffered a serious injury, it's important to seek an attorney's help as soon as possible. An accident can leave you with medical issues that will affect you for the rest of your life. To protect your rights, do not say anything to the insurance company or sign any releases before you talk to a lawyer. The insurance company on the other side has one goal and that is to pay you as little money as possible.
At the Stone Law Group, we will independently investigate your car wreck, working hand in hand with experts in accident reconstruction, medicine and automobile safety. Our car accident attorneys in Atlanta and Blakely handle cases involving catastrophic and serious injuries regularly, and we are licensed to practice law at all levels of court in several states across the Southeast.
Since 1915, our law firm has been fighting for victims and survivors. Insurance companies fight to retain profits by minimizing the value of injury claims and providing minimum care and service. We do exactly the opposite and will fight for your best possible outcome.
You deserve top-tier legal advocacy and representation, and you deserve to collect the full and fair value of your losses and injuries. We establish the full value of past, present and future expenses and losses for our clients. We will fight for your maximum compensation, and we get paid only after compensation is secured in your case.
Our clients and other lawyers continue to refer others to our law firm because we consistently recover compensation that significantly exceeds insurance companies' initial offers.
Contact our firm today by email or by phone at 404-239-0305. We offer free initial consultations, and we handle cases on a contingent fee basis, which means that your attorneys' fees are covered by the settlement and do not come out of your pocket.
Atlanta Office
5229 Roswell Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30342
Fax: 404-445-8003
Blakely Office
589 College Street
Blakely, GA 39823
Fax: 229-723-4834
Rome Office
215 Broad Street
Suite 115
Rome, GA 30161
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